MATILDA - Multi-AnnoTator multi-language InteractiveLight-weight Dialogue Annotator

Autor: Irene Sucameli, Davide Cucurnia, Nikolai Rozanov, Maria Simi, Augusto Ciuffoletti
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: EACL (System Demonstrations)
Popis: Dialogue Systems are becoming ubiquitous in various forms and shapes - virtual assistants(Siri, Alexa, etc.), chat-bots, customer sup-port, chit-chat systems just to name a few.The advances in language models and their publication have democratised advanced NLP.However, data remains a crucial bottleneck.Our contribution to this essential pillar isMATILDA, to the best of our knowledge the first multi-annotator, multi-language dialogue annotation tool. MATILDA allows the creation of corpora, the management of users, the annotation of dialogues, the quick adaptation of the user interface to any language and the resolution of inter-annotator disagreement. We evaluate the tool on ease of use, annotation speed and interannotation resolution for both experts and novices and conclude that this tool not only supports the full pipeline for dialogue annotation, but also allows non-technical people to easily use it. We are completely open-sourcing the tool at and provide a tutorial video1.
Databáze: OpenAIRE