InTransBo: An Integrative Transcript Library to Enable Genome-Free Systematic Exploration of Bougainvillea

Autor: Xiaoling Guo, Luo Qi, Tingting Xu, Guo Hangqi, Chen Ziliang, Zhe Lin, Dangzheng Huang, Zhi-Liang Ji, Haitao Hou, Zhan Fulin, Chen Liang, Hong Chenjie
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Members of the genus Bougainvillea are rich sources of natural dyes, pigments, and traditional medicines. They are also commonly used as ornamentals in roadside landscape construction. However, the horticultural development of Bougainvillea flowers with extended growth periods and coloration is not always feasible. One reason is limited molecular knowledge and no genomic information for Bougainvillea. Here, we compiled an expressed transcript sequence library for Bougainvillea by integrating 20 Illumina-sequencing RNA transcriptomes. The library consisted of 97,623 distinct transcripts. Of these, 47,006 were protein-coding, 31,109 were lncRNA, and 19,508 were unannotated. We also confirmed that the library is an alternative genomic reference for accurate transcriptome assembly and its performance was substantially better than that of the de novo method. We also curated the Integrative Transcript Library database for Bougainvillea known as InTransBo ( To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first large scale genomic resource for Bougainvillea. Overall, the library helps fill the genomic gap and elucidate the transcriptional nature of Bougainvillea. It may also advance progress in the precise regulation of flowering in horticulture. The same strategy can be readily applied toward the systematic exploration of other plant species lacking complete genomic information.
Databáze: OpenAIRE