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This inattentional blindness study will systematically vary the appearance of the attended and ignored items. In addition, this study will also manipulate the degree of similarity between the unexpected items and the attended or ignored items. The set of attended items will be either black (RGB = 0), gray (Hex=777777), or white (RGB=255) circles (randomly selected for each participant). The set of ignored items will also all be either black (RGB = 0), gray (Hex=777777), or white (Hex=255) circles (randomly selected for each participant with the constraint that the ignored colors will differ from the attended ones). The set of unexpected items will be either dark gray (Hex=676767), gray (Hex=777777), or light gray (Hex=878787). All items are circles with a diameter of 55 pixels. This results in a total of 18 conditions (3 possible unexpected items x 6 sets of attended/ignored items: attend white, ignore black/gray; attend gray, ignore white/black; attend black, ignore white/gray). The objects will appear against a blue, rectangular window (RGB: 118, 118, 167 or hex #7676A7). The previous study (study2) examined whether noticing of the unexpected object was affected by its similarity to the attended items only, the ignored items only, or both attended and ignored items. The current study aims to answer the same question while addressing the issue of selectiveness (whether the effect of similarity depends on an exact match or whether the degree of similarity to the attended/ignored items matters). |