Adaptive Genetic Algorithms: A New Approach for Solving Nonstandard Vehicle Routing Problems Efficiently

Autor: Markus Zils, Martin Kabath, Ulrich Derigs
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Operations Research Proceedings ISBN: 9783540642404
Popis: Vehicle routing is a vital area within Operations Research, appealing for researchers as well as practitioners. Yet it becomes apparent that the intention and the focus which is directing the development of solution procedures is different. The focus and main interest of researchers is devoted to testing different OR-paradigms and to apply theoretical or methodological concepts to the development of algorithms, which are able to produce high quality solutions in short running times. Therefore researchers concentrate their effort on the discussion of several standard problems for which sets of demanding benchmark instances have been established. In contrast to this practitioners as owner of specific, in general so far unstructured and not yet formalized problem types or even single instances are requiring systems to be designed and implemented in short development times producing constantly satisfying solutions for different instances in acceptable turn around time. That is we can observe a mismatch of the respective goals: designing fast algorithms vs. rapid development of effective systems.
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