Anomalies of the adolescent breast

Autor: Patricia S. Simmons
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Paediatrics and Child Health. 18:S5-S7
ISSN: 1751-7222
Popis: The purpose of this review is to familiarize physicians who provide medical care to the young with knowledge about breast anomalies that present during childhood and adolescence. The scope includes congenital and developmental abnormalities, including breast masses. Both diagnosis and management are addressed. Congenital and acquired anomalies of the breast most often present during adolescence. The most common anomalies are polythelia and breast asymmetry. Surgical intervention for anomalies should be tailored and timed to the individual patient's situation and need not wait until adolescence is completed. Breast masses in adolescents are most likely to be fibrocystic changes or fibroadenoma. Malignancy of the breast is rare and not likely to be adenocarcinoma. When imaging is needed, ultrasonography is the preferred modality. Not all breast masses, including fibroadenomas, need to be excised.
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