The Plankton Tower. IV. Interactions Between Water Column and Sediment in Enclosure Experiments in Kiel Bight

Autor: Bernt Zeitzschel, Falk Pollehne, Victor Smetacek, Bodo von Bodungen, Bastiaan Knoppers
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Marine Mesocosms ISBN: 9781461256472
Popis: Neritic ecosystems in the boreal zone generally maintain more plankton biomass over a longer period of the year than off-shore systems in the same latitude. Productivity is higher particularly during the summer stratification, between the spring and autumn phytoplankton blooms brought about by nutrients from sources other than pelagic remineralization. Plankton biomass levels maintained by recycling within a pelagic system tend to decrease with time if limiting nutrients bound in sedimenting particles are not replenished. In neritic environments, surface waters can receive nutrients from the land, but depending on water depth and local weather and geomorphology, replenishment can also come from nutrient-rich subthermocline water and sediments. In deeper bodies of water with a steep coastline, such as fjords, the sediment contribution will be less important (Takahashi et al. 1977) than in shallow water systems with more of their sediment surface within the euphotic zone (von Bodungen et al. 1975, Rowe et al. 1975).
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