Studies on Effect of Sub-Soiling on Runoff, Soil loss and Soybean Yield Potential under Rainfed Condition

Autor: P. Deshmukh M. S. Pendke, W. N. Narkhede B. W. Bhuibhar, M. Bhosle U. M. Khodke
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 10:147-151
ISSN: 2319-7706
Popis: Marathwada region of Maharashtra state is basically a rainfed region. Soybean is a major crop grown particularly in kharif season. The monsoon behavior has become very uncertain during recent past. The rainfall, its uneven distribution and prolonged dry spells during kharif season affect the crop productivity particularly in Marathwada region. Therefore, effective management of rainwater for its in-situ conservation is the key point for sustaining productivity. Sub-soiling may be one of the technique for reducing runoff and soil loss and to increase the grain yield. Therefore, an experiment was conducted to study the effect of sub soiling on runoff and soil loss and also to increase the crop yield. It is concluded that subsoiling in alternate year or every year with horizontal spacing of 1.5 m or 2.0 m is found suitable with respect to yield advantage and reduction in runoff and soil loss. The minimum runoff and soil loss were observed under sub soiling at every year followed in sub soiling in alternate year whereas maximum runoff and soil loss were observed in sub soiling in once in three year. Among sub soiling spacing treatments, minimum runoff and soil loss were observed in sub soiling at 1.5 m spacing and sub soiling at 2.0 m spacing whereas maximum runoff and soil loss were observed in subs soiling at 3.0 m spacing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE