Evaluation of yield attributes of wine varieties of grape under Telangana Conditions

Autor: Veena Joshi
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 28:S281-S290
ISSN: 0971-765X
DOI: 10.53550/eec.2022.v28i08s.042
Popis: Thirteen wine grape varieties of which eight coloured and five white were evaluated for flowering, bunch characters and yield attributes under Telangana conditions at Grape Research Station, Hyderabad. Observations recorded on flowering, bunch characters and yield attributes revelead that days taken for 50% flowering varied significantly from minimum of 25.36 days in the variety Pusa Navrang to maximum of 44.37 days in Thompson Seedless. The variety Chenin Blanc recorded highest number of bunches per vine (113.78) followed by Shiraz (97.75) and least in the variety Thompson Seedless (37.26) where as maximum bunch weight was noticed in the variety Italia (331.61 g) followed by Thompson Seedless and minimum in Cabernet Sauvignon (88.06 g). Yield ranged from 4.51 to 16.81 kg/vine with maximum recorded by the variety Chenin Blanc (16.81 kg/vine) while it was minimum with Sauvignon Blanc (4.51 kg/vine). Heat unit requirement in different cultivars of grape varied from 1726.25 degree days to 2207.46 degree days being recorded maximum by the variety Italia and minimum by Pusa Navrang. These results signify the potential ‘for cultivation of wine grape varieties under Southern Zone of Telangana.
Databáze: OpenAIRE