Autor: Manuel Fernando Pérez Lagos, Gloria Guerrero Ramos
Rok vydání: 2020
ISSN: 2695-5695
DOI: 10.25115/ibal.v1i2.3712
Popis: espanolEn el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio del lexico surgido en torno al movimiento LGTB. Pretendemos demostrar que estamos ante una tematica especializada, pero lo suficientemente banalizada como para ser abordada desde diferentes puntos de vista, con una terminologia propia y muy nueva, que cambia y se enriquece diariamente. Para ello, seguiremos una metodologia basada en la extraccion de terminos procedentes de textos de distintos niveles de especialidad. Dicha extraccion nos permitira observar en que medida, gracias a la necesidad de creacion de nuevas palabras para designar una nueva realidad social, este colectivo esta contribuyendo a enriquecer nuestra lengua. Tambien podremos saber si estamos ante un lexico especializado inaccesible para la gran mayoria de la poblacion, o, por el contario, muy banalizado ya por el interes social que ha supuesto este colectivo en los ultimos anos. Ademas, el analisis pormenorizado del lexico recogido contribuira a definir con claridad si nos encontramos solo ante un movimiento social o si tambien lo es cultural, ideologico, filosofico, politico y economico. EnglishIn thiswork, a study of the lexicon that emerged around the LGTB movement is carried out. We intend to show that we are facing a specialized subject, but sufficiently banal to be approached from different points of view, with its own and very new terminology, which changes and is enriched daily. To do so, we will follow a methodology based on the extraction of terms from texts of different levels of specialization. Such extraction will allow us to observe to what extent, thanks to the need to create new words to designate a new social reality, this group is contributing to enrich our language. We will also be able to know whether we are dealing with a specialized lexicon that is inaccessible to the vast majority of the population, or, on the contrary, one that is already very banal due to the social interest that this group has represented in recent years. In addition, the detailed analysis of the lexicon collected will help to clearly define whether we are alone in a social movement or if it is also cultural, ideological, philosophical, political and economic
Databáze: OpenAIRE