Inventory of the potato diseases and impact on growth and yield traits in far North Cameroon

Autor: Frederic Ulrich Boydoul, Abdoul Madjerembe, Jules Patrice Ngoh Dooh, Djile Bouba Hawaou Adagoro, Zachée Ambang, Philippe Kosma, Dany Brice Tchoupou Tsouala
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 14:2826-2836
ISSN: 1997-342X
DOI: 10.4314/ijbcs.v14i8.14
Popis: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L) production in the Far North Region of Cameroon is faced with scarcity or inequality of rains and with diseases that affect yields. To improve the production a study was conducted in the production area of Mogode subdivision with the objective of identifying potato diseases and pathogens agents. The experimental design was in complete randomized blocks. The plant material used was a local variety of potato (Dosa). Diseases and pathogens have been identified on a base of symptoms and morphological characteristics. The incidence, severity and rainfall were assessed. Yield, number of stems and diameter of the tubers were evaluated. The diseases identified are fungal (late blight, Alternaria or early blight and Fusarium wilt), viral (Virosis M, Rust stain and Potato leaf roll (PLR) and bacterial (Bacterial wilt and Common scab). Conidia of Phytophthora infestans, and Alternaria spp. were found.Whatever the site and disease, the incidence has remained below 25%. Late blight was more present in the Gouria site, Alternaria and virosis M more present in the Mouvou site. The yield was roughly the same at the two sites, around 3 t/ha. The highest number of stems was obtained at Gouria, 18 ± 0.75. The potato is attacked by several diseases. The results of this study represent an important baseline data for the implementation of integrated disease management in Cameroon.Keywords: Solanum tuberosum, diseases, pathogens, incidence, severity, yield.
Databáze: OpenAIRE