The Utilization of Mobile Groups in the Ottoman Balkans

Autor: Harun Yeni
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Archiv orientální. 81:183-205
ISSN: 0044-8699
DOI: 10.47979/aror.j.81.2.183-205
Popis: This article deals with the utilization of mobile groups called ‘yörüks’ as an auxiliary force in 16th century Ottoman Balkans. Their organization and structure together with the changes in time are analysed through the regulations specifically issued for them. Following it, the perception that all of these groups in the Ottoman Balkans were of military nature is assessed. The validity of it is checked by means of registers for militarily associated yörüks and cadastral surveys of the regions where a significant number of them resided. Besides, the reliability of the data in yörük registers is questioned. Through the examination of regulations on yörüks, their registers together with cadastral surveys, it is exhibited that these groups were not all of military nature; on the contrary, the rates of militarily associated groups were at a low level.
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