Carrier-envelope phase dependent photoemission from a nanometric metal tip

Autor: Markus Schenk, Peter Hommelhoff, Michael Krüger
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS) Proceedings.
Popis: We tightly focus ∼ 6fs Ti:sa pulses onto a nanome-tric metal tip and record photoelectron spectra at laser intensities of about ∼ 4 × 1011 W/cm2. Here we present a strong carrier-envelope phase (CEP) dependent current modulation. In the high energy region of the spectra the CEP modulation rises up to 100%, meaning that the CEP can switch the photocurrent fully on and off. The metal tip resembles a record sensitive miniaturized CEP sensor with a precision exceeding about 15 mrad in 20s measurement time. Even CEP-stabilizing a Ti:sa-oscillator with the signal of the emitted photoelectrons of a tip seems feasible.
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