A biometric case for revision of the genus Lingula (Brachiopoda: Inarticulata) from Queensland, Australia

Autor: R. A. Kenchington, L. S. Hammond
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Journal of Zoology. 184:53-62
ISSN: 1469-7998
Popis: Analysis of the variability of shell dimensions within a large population of Lingula from Shelly Beach, near Townsville and comparison with five other Queensland populations indicates that existing taxonomy, which is based largely upon shell dimensions, is inadequate. Examination of data from original species descriptions and of material held in the Queensland Museum, suggests that four previously accepted species, Lingula bancrofti, Johnston and Hirschfeld, L. exusta, Reeve, L. hians, Swainson and L. murphiana, Reeve, should be assigned to the type species L. anatina, Lamark, 1801. A fifth species L. tumidula, Reeve, is accepted on morphological and ecological grounds.
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