Integrating across the Psychology Curriculum: A Content Review Approach

Autor: Michelle L. Dykstra, Kathleen A. Kleiner, Christopher Koch, James D. Foster
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Journal of Psychology and Theology. 23:277-288
ISSN: 2328-1162
DOI: 10.1177/009164719502300408
Popis: Teaching integration at the undergraduate level requires thoughtful coordination among psychology faculty. This article describes a content review process by which complimentary strengths and perspectives can be discovered and used to design a coordinated integration curriculum. The George Fox College undergraduate psychology department's integration content review is offered as an example. A content review requires a framework for both exploration of integration activity and desired outcomes. We propose four levels of integration activity in the classroom: (a) modeling of personal faith, (b) integrative discussions, (c) integration readings, and (d) course level integration. These levels are progressive, complimentary, and dependent, to some extent, on the course content. In addition, careful articulation of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes the department wishes a student to have at graduation is important for the design of an integration curriculum and for assessing outcomes. The content review is an opportunity for the department to coordinate efforts toward a multi-layered integration of psychology and Christian faith.
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