Autor: Ira Oktovia, Gusti Muhammad Hatta, Damaris Payung
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Jurnal Sylva Scienteae. 5:624
ISSN: 2622-8963
DOI: 10.20527/jss.v5i4.6152
Popis: This study aims to analyze the type of damage to the leaves of red Meranti (Shorea leprosula), to identify the types of pests on Meranti Merah plants, to calculate the percentage of damage to the leaves of Meranti Merah at the seedling level. The method used is a sampling technique using purposive sampling, namely a sampling technique carried out by taking research samples on the type of red Meranti and its growth rate at the seedling level. The type of damage to the red Meranti plant had spot damage of 39 leaves with the highest damage value on a scale of 1 (1-25%), defects of 317 leaves with the highest damage value on a scale of 4 (76-99%), spots & leaf defects of 796 Leaves with the highest damage value were on a scale of 4 (76-99%), and healthy leaves were 33 leaves. Leaf spot damage was caused by Curvularia sp and Nigrospora sp. Pests found in red Meranti (Shorea leprosula) plants are the Dragon Head Caterpillar (Charaxes sp) and Ladybug (Thyanta custator). The pest feeds on the leaves, which causes leaf holes. The highest percentage of damage to red Meranti (Shorea leprosula) plants was 67.17% with the type of damage to spots & leaf defects. The second highest category is the type of leaf defect damage which has a percentage of 26.75%, leaf spot damage of 3.29% and the percentage of healthy leaves of 2.78%Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis tipe kerusakan daun Meranti merah (Shorea leprosula), mengidentifikasi jenis hama pada tanaman Meranti merah, Menghitung persentasi kerusakan daun Meranti merah tingkat semai. Metode yang digunakan yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling yaitu teknik sampling yang dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel penelitian pada jenis Meranti merah dan tingkat pertumbuhannya pada tingkat semai. Tipe Kerusakan tanaman Meranti merah memiliki kerusakan bercak sebanyak 39 daun dengan nilai kerusakan tertinggi terdapat di skala 1 (1-25%), cacat sebanyak 317 daun dengan nilai kerusakan tertinggi terdapat diskala 4 (76-99%), bercak & cacat daun sebanyak 796 daun dengan nilai kerusakan tetinggi terdapat diskala 4 (76-99%),dan daun yang sehat sebanyak 33 daun. Kerusakan bercak daun disebabkan oleh Curvularia sp dan Nigrospora sp. Hama terdapat pada tanaman Meranti merah (Shorea leprosula) yaitu hama Ulat Kepala Naga (Charaxes sp) dan Kepik (Thyanta custator). Hama tersebut memakan daun, yang menyebabkan daun berlubang. Persentase kerusakan pada tanaman Meranti merah (Shorea leprosula) yang tertinggi sebesar 67,17% dengan jenis kerusakan bercak & cacat daun. Kategori yang tertinggi kedua yaitu jenis kerusakan cacat daun mempunyai persentase 26,75%, kerusakan bercak daun sebesar 3,29% dan persentase daun yang sehat sebesar 2,78%.
Databáze: OpenAIRE