Sero-Prevalence of HIV and Syphilis Infection Among Pregnant Mothers Attended Labor Ward at Wolaita Sodo University Teaching Referral Hospital: A Five-Year Retrospective Study (2012-2016)

Autor: Temesgen Lera Abiso, Temesgen Anjulo Ageru
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: American Journal of Health Research. 6:67
ISSN: 2330-8788
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajhr.20180603.11
Popis: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV and Syphilis infections are the major public health problem in the developing countries. The prevalence of syphilis and HIV infections among pregnant women has been shown to vary by geographic areas, study population and time-period. Objective: The aim of study was to assess sero prevalence of HIV and syphilis and associated factors among pregnant women attended labor ward at Wolaita Sodo University Teaching and Referral Hospital. Method: Retrospective study was conducted using standard extraction format to assess the sero-prevalence of HIV and syphilis among pregnant women attending labor ward of WSTRH. Data were analyzed by using SPSS version 20.0 software and result was summarized using means and percentages and presented by using figure and tables. Descriptive statistics were used. Result: Overall prevalence of sexually transmitted infection among pregnant women in labor was 7.4% from these HIV sero-prevalence accounts for 3.8% and VDRL positivity enumerates to be 3.7%. HIV-syphilis co-infection was found to be 0.9%. Higher sero-prevalence of HIV, syphilis and co-infection rate was reported in 2016, among age category of 35-44 years. Conclusion and recommendation: Significant percentage of HIV, syphilis sero-prevalence and co-infection rate was found in this study with increased proportion in 2016. Strong antenatal screening and appropriate strategies should be devised for prevention and control of HIV, syphilis, in women of reproductive age.
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