Covariance Analysis and Operational Results for the Interstellar Boundary Explorer

Autor: Ryan Lebois, Lisa Policastri, John Carrico, Mike Loucks
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference.
Popis: This paper describes the orbit covariance analysis performed before and during IBEX operations to ensure that mission requirements are met. The authors describe how they calculated the orbit covariance during different mission phases, from launch through current operations, including orbit and attitude maneuver uncertainty effects. The paper details how the covariance is used to ensure that the evolution of this highly eccentric eightday cislunar orbit will meet perigee altitude and eclipse duration requirements. The paper also describes how the covariance is used to verify that the planned tracking schedule is sufficient to support orbit determination. The authors compare these with operational results. Nomenclature ΔV = Delta-V, an impulsive maneuver Re = Earth Radius km = Kilometer m/s - Meters per second RPM = Revolutions per minute A1 = Apogee 1 (Also A2, A3, etc.) P1 = Perigee 1 (Also P2, P3, etc.) UTC = Universal Time Coordinated
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