Frequency-weighted adaptive control for simultaneous precision positioning and vibration suppression of smart structures

Autor: Kougen Ma, Mehrdad N. Ghasemi-Nejhad
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Smart Materials and Structures. 13:1143-1154
ISSN: 1361-665X
Popis: This paper focuses on a frequency-weighted hybrid adaptive control with application to simultaneous precision positioning and vibration suppression of smart composite structures. Following the introduction of the structure and materials system of an active composite panel (ACP) with a surface-mounted and two embedded piezoelectric ceramic patches, the sensor selection for the purpose of precision positioning or vibration control is discussed, and the function assignment of a laser displacement sensor as well as the embedded piezoelectric sensor is determined for the ACP. The frequency-weighted hybrid adaptive control approach is then developed. The approach consists of an adaptive feedforward position controller for precision positioning, an adaptive feedforward vibration controller for vibration suppression as well as an adaptive feedback controller for both precision positioning and vibration suppression. The frequency-weighted filters introduced in the approach realize the signal fusion of the two sensors. Finally, experiments are also performed for harmonic disturbances at the first two natural frequencies of the ACP and a random disturbance for both cases of with/without the adaptive feedforward vibration controller, demonstrating that the frequency-weighted hybrid adaptive control approach can provide satisfactory precision positioning and vibration suppression in both cases, and that better position accuracy can be achieved if the adaptive feedforward vibration controller is also employed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE