An Extensible AAA Infrastructure for IPv6

Autor: Haixin Duan, Wu Liu, Jianping Wu, Hong Zhang
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Computational Intelligence and Security ISBN: 9783540308195
CIS (2)
DOI: 10.1007/11596981_71
Popis: AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting) is an effective component in IP network to control and manage network entities. It has been widely used in IPv4 network and will continuously play an important role in IPv6 network. This paper proposes a new extensible AAA infrastructure which is performed within the CNGI (China Next Generation Internet) project and has the following merits: (1) provide a uniform AAA mechanism; (2) support user roaming in global IPv6 network; (3) introduce for the first time the concepts of both PDN (Personal Domain Name) and DDN (Device Domain Name), to assign and manage the lengthy and complex IPv6 addresses. We discuss and implement the concrete procedures of this infrastructure, and then point out it is a suitable solution for IPv6 network to obtain enhanced level of security.
Databáze: OpenAIRE