Evaluation of terrain and canopy height products in central African tropical forests

Autor: Holly W. Leigh, Lori A. Magruder, Amy L. Neuenschwander
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37:5365-5387
ISSN: 1366-5901
Popis: Since the introduction of space-based altimetry data into the science community, global products associated with elevation and vegetation metrics have been heavily utilized for a variety of ecological applications. Satellite remote sensing enables the collection of global or near-global, standardized data sets, which can be used in their original form or used as inputs along with other data sets in generating new products. Recent effort has focused on using available data to generate maps of tree heights at a global scale in the service of a better understanding of above ground biomass distribution and its effects on global carbon storage. However, global data sets, while validated at a global scale, often display local and regional variations in accuracy which must be quantified before applying those data sets to smaller scale studies. This work addresses the need for a better understanding of the quality of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTM 90 m digital elevation model and a global 1 km canopy height model in the dense tropical forests of Gabon by using a small-footprint airborne lidar survey and large-footprint, space-based waveform lidar data from teh National Air and Space Administration’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite ICESat for validation. As expected, the study found SRTM elevations to be heavily biased by vegetation in this biome, with elevations consistently located within the canopy volume. In addition, the global canopy height model consistently underestimates maximum canopy height at both local and regional scales.
Databáze: OpenAIRE