Rising MOONS: an update on the VLT’s next multi-object spectrograph as it begins to grow

Autor: Livia Origlia, Stefano Rota, William Cochrane, R. Piazzesi, Manuel Abreu, Holger Drass, S. Paltani, Gianluca Li Causi, Felipe Rojas, Simon Tulloch, Stephen Watson, David Atkinson, Basile-Thierry Melse, Y. B. Yang, Leonardo Vanzi, Alexandre Cabral, Frédéric Royer, Philippe Laporte, Giles Fasola, Chris Evans, Saskia Brierley, Marcella Carollo, D. Boettger, Jean-Phillipe Amans, Martin Black, Vincenzo Mainieri, Ralf Conzelmann, Louise Dauvin, Antonio Gouveia Oliveira, Roberto Maiolino, Oscar A. Gonzalez, Jonathan Strachan, D. Ferruzzi, Rolando Dünner, Alasdair Fairley, Steven Beard, Phil Rees, David F. Buscher, Ian Parry, Charles Maire, Brian Woodward, Yerko Luco, Mahmoud Hayati, Alastair Macleod, Xiaowei Sun, Régis Haigron, Tzu-Chiang Shen, Graham Tait, Chris Waring, Pablo Gutierrez, Álvaro Valenzuela Navarro, Michael Sordet, Florent Reix, Joe Barrett, George Davidson, Johannes Nix, Martin Fisher, Miriam Colling, David W. Lee, Derek Ives, Pedro Santos, Olaf Iwert, Hector Flores, Isabelle Guinouard, Robin Schnell, Miguel Torres, Bianca Garilli, Mauricio A. Flores, Andre Tozzi, Jose Afonso, João Coelho, Francesco D'Alessio, Fernando Pedichini, William Taylor, Christopher A. Haniff, Celementine Béchet, Michele Cirasuolo, Myriam Rodrigues, Lauren Von Dran, Ernesto Oliva, Peter Hammersley, Julien Gaudemard
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII.
Popis: After completion of its final-design review last year, it is full steam ahead for the construction of the MOONS instrument - the next generation multi-object spectrograph for the VLT. This remarkable instrument will combine for the first time: the 8 m collecting power of the VLT, 1000 optical fibres with individual robotic positioners and both medium- and high-resolution spectral coverage acreoss the wavelength range 0.65μm - 1.8 μm. Such a facility will allow a veritable host of Galactic, Extragalactic and Cosmological questions to be addressed. In this paper we will report on the current status of the instrument, details of the early testing of key components and the major milestones towards its delivery to the telescope.
Databáze: OpenAIRE