Advanced Large Area Plastic Scintillator Project (ALPS): Final Report

Autor: Daniel L. Stephens, James M. Alzheimer, David V. Jordan, Paul L. Reeder, Glen A. Warren, Bruce D. Geelhood, William A. Sliger, Kathleen R. McCormick, Lindsay C. Todd, Shannon L. Crowell
Rok vydání: 2008
DOI: 10.2172/925718
Popis: The advanced Large-Area Plastic Scintillator (ALPS) Project at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory investigated possible technological avenues for substantially advancing the state-of-the-art in gamma-ray detection via large-area plastic scintillators. The three predominant themes of these investigations comprised the following: * Maximizing light collection efficiency from a single large-area sheet of plastic scintillator, and optimizing hardware event trigger definition to retain detection efficiency while exploiting the power of coincidence to suppress single-PMT "dark current" background; * Utilizing anti-Compton vetoing and supplementary spectral information from a co-located secondary, or "Back" detector, to both (1) minimize Compton background in the low-energy portion of the "Front" scintillator's pulse-height spectrum, and (2) sharpen the statistical accuracy of the front detector's low-energy response prediction as impelmented in suitable energy-windowing algorithms; and * Investigating alternative materials to enhance the intrinsic gamma-ray detection efficiency of plastic-based sensors.
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