Review of Telecare in Smart Age-Friendly Cities

Autor: Vlado Dimovski, David Bogataj, Simon Colnar
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: IFAC-PapersOnLine. 54:744-749
ISSN: 2405-8963
Popis: The population in the European Union is ageing fast. In such a scenario, social innovations based on ambient assisted living technologies that enable a digital transformation of health care and social care delivery systems can empower older adults to live autonomously in their own neighbourhoods and postpone or even prevent migration to a nursing home. Extension of these innovations in service provision to smart cities is the subject of this paper. The development of smart cities presents opportunities for the development of new, digitally supported health and social infrastructure in urban and rural areas. These innovations will enable a more efficient combination of existing societal resources in neighbourhoods for the provision of health care and social needs to the ageing residents who are dependent on others due to illness or functional decline. On the supply side, new scientific and technological innovations offer new utilities and create new businesses for the supply of goods and services to older people, and provide new job opportunities for younger workers entering the job market. This paper aims to consider the digital transformation of social infrastructure as a part of the development of smart cities to support the autonomy of the elderly population.
Databáze: OpenAIRE