Telegram Scheduling for the Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB): Algorithms and Evaluation

Autor: Ece Guran Schmidt, Mustafa Caglar Guldiken, Klaus Werner Schmidt
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ISCC
DOI: 10.1109/iscc50000.2020.9219666
Popis: Multifunction Vehicle Bus (MVB) is a highly robust real-time field bus for rail vehicles. On MVB, periodic process data and sporadic message data are transmitted in the form of telegrams. The main focus of this paper is the development of heuristic scheduling algorithms for periodic telegrams on MVB. We first propose two heuristics that find the best location of individual telegrams in the MVB schedule based on different criteria. Then, we introduce a new swap operation that allows improving MVB schedules by exchanging the locations of telegrams. A comprehensive evaluation based on a large number of test cases shows that the proposed heuristics are able to find feasible and close-to-optimal MVB schedules with practical computation times. In particular, our heuristics clearly outperform an existing ILP formulation, that cannot find optimal or even feasible schedules in cases with large telegram sets.
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