Use of the Software BIOMECHANICS in Physical Culture and Sports Specialists’ Preparation

Autor: D.I. Balashov, I.V. Shyshenko, D.V. Bermudes, Yu.I. Petrenko, V.M. Zigunov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: MIPRO
DOI: 10.23919/mipro.2019.8757068
Popis: The use of computer technologies allows to form the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of future physical culture and sports’ specialists qualitatively. Software Biomechanics was developed in order to improve the assimilation of biomechanical knowledge and to increase the level of kinesiological competence of students of Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture and the Institute of Physical Culture of Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University (Ukraine). It includes educational and methodological information that enables the student to acquire practical skills and abilities for the independent use of the theory and methods of biomechanical measurements, biomechanical analysis and didactics of motor activity in physical education and sports training. The software contains different parts (theoretical, practical, references control). The practical part provides the execution of calculation and graphic works aimed at determining the geometry of human body mass, measuring the kinematic characteristics of motor actions, finding the center of masses by analytical and graphical methods etc. The software enables physical education and sports’ professionals to train with the use of basic biomechanical positions, to improve motor programs, and to promote health and safety in the process of physical education at school as well as in the performance of sports coaching and physical rehabilitation of patients and athletes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE