Preprint: Mobility surveys beyond stated preference: Introducing MyTrips, an SP-off-RP survey tool, and results of two case studies

Autor: Markus Straub, Christian Rudloff
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: When introducing new mobility offers or measures to influence traffic, statedpreference (SP) surveys are often used to assess their impact. In SP surveysrespondents do not answer questions about their actual behavior but abouthypothetical settings. Therefore, answers are often biased. To minimise thishypothetical bias, so-called stated preference-off-revealed preference (SP-off-RP)surveys were developed. They base SP questions on respondents’ revealedbehavior and place unknown scenarios in a familiar context. Until now thismethod was applied mostly to scenarios investigating the willingness to pay. Theapplication to more complex mode or route choice problems, which require thecalculation of routes, has not yet been done.In this paper, the MyTrips survey tool for the collection of SP-off-RP databased on respondents’ actual mobility behavior is presented. SP questions arebased on alternatives to typical routes of respondents, which are calculated onthe fly with an intermodal router. MyTrips includes a larger survey and collectsmobility diaries for one day representing respondents’ daily routine, calculatesalternative routes and creates SP questions based on a Bayesian optimal design.Results from two case studies investigating behavior changes are presented.The first case study investigated the extension of a subway line in Vienna,Austria. The second case study focused on the introduction of micro transitvehicles in a rural setting, replacing infrequent bus services. Results of the twocase studies show a difference in response behaviour between SP and RP settingsand suggest a reduction of hypothetical bias. For the latter study a Latent ClassSP-off-RP model was estimated. It shows that availability and accessibility ofpublic transport are the main influence on the willingness to use it independent ofother household characteristics.
Databáze: OpenAIRE