Indicaciones de endarterectomía carotídea sin arteriografía. Estudio de validación mediante eco­Doppler

Autor: Allegue N, Alvarez-Sabín J, Bellmunt S, Fernández, J Juan, M Matas, J M Escribano
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Revista de Neurología. 31:412
ISSN: 0210-0010
DOI: 10.33588/rn.3105.2000087
Popis: INTRODUCTION The possibility of diagnosing carotid stenosis and carrying out surgery without arteriography has increased with the use of different diagnostic methods. The eco-Doppler has been shown to be a useful method, although it requires previous individualised validation. OBJECTIVE We aim to validate our Vascular Diagnostic Laboratory in the diagnosis of stenosis of the carotid bifurcation using eco-Doppler as compared with angiography, and the therapeutic indication thus obtained. PATIENTS AND METHODS We made a prospective study for one year of 62 consecutive patients diagnosed on eco-Doppler as having carotid stenosis of over 70% and subsequent carotid arteriography. The treatment indicated is given, without waiting for the result of the angiography, on clinical evaluation, computerized tomography or cranial magnetic resonance and eco-Doppler, and subsequently on angiography. The degree of correlation of both methods, both for the therapeutic indication and for the degree of stenosis was determined. RESULTS In five cases there was discrepancy and the therapeutic indication was different. Three of these were related to the diagnosis of carotid occlusion and in the other two cases there were bilateral lesions of over 50% on eco-Doppler, which were classified as minor on angiographic study. In the group with stenosis of over 70% with < 50% contralateral stenosis, eco-Doppler showed sensitivity and specificity of 100%, with a kappa correlation index = 1. CONCLUSION It is possible to indicate carotid endarterectomy in patients with unilateral stenosis greater than 70% and contralateral stenosis < 50%, based on the eco-Doppler studies done in our Vascular Diagnostic Laboratory.
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