Flight-Test Results of Propulsion-Only Emergency Control System on MD-11 Airplane

Autor: John J. Burken, Frank W. Burcham
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. 20:980-987
ISSN: 1533-3884
DOI: 10.2514/2.4143
Popis: A large, civilian, multiengine transport MD-11 airplane control system was recently modie ed to perform as an emergency backup controller using engine thrust only. The emergency backup system, referred to as the propulsion-controlled aircraft (PCA)system, would be used if a majorprimary e ight control system fails. To allow for longitudinal- and lateral-directional control, the PCA system requires at least two engines and is implemented through software modie cations. A e ight-test program was conducted to evaluate the PCA system high-altitude e ying characteristics and to demonstrate its capacity to perform safe landings. The cruise e ight conditions, several low approaches, and four landings without any aerodynamic e ight control surface movement were demonstrated; however, only one landing is presented. Results that show satisfactory performance of the PCA system in the longitudinal axis are presented. Test results indicate that the lateral-directional axis of the system performed well at high altitude but was sluggish and prone to thermal upsets during landing approaches. Flight-test experiences and test techniques are also discussed, with emphasis on the lateral-directional axis because of the dife culties encountered in e ight test.
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