DOE Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Subcommittee (ASCAC) Report: Top Ten Exascale Research Challenges

Autor: Peter M. Kogge, William Carlson, James H. Laros, Thomas Sterling, Clayton G. Webster, M. Harper Langston, Al Geist, Robert Ross, George Liang-Tai Chiu, James A. Ang, Keren Bergman, Dean Micron Klein, Richard Micron Murphy, Paul W. Coteus, Rick Stevens, Adolfy Hoisie, Laura Carrington, Jon Hiller, Vivek Sarkar, K. H. Kim, Robert Colwell, Robert Schreiber, Erik Debenedictus, Sven Leyffer, Gary Grider, Jeffrey Hittinger, Richard Lethin, Rud Haring, Jack Dongarra, Ron Brightwell, Stefan M. Wild, Robert F. Lucas, Jon Bashor, John Shalf, Shekhar Borkar, William J. Dally
Rok vydání: 2014
DOI: 10.2172/1222713
Popis: Exascale computing systems are essential for the scientific fields that will transform the 21st century global economy, including energy, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and materials science. Progress in these fields is predicated on the ability to perform advanced scientific and engineering simulations, and analyze the deluge of data. On July 29, 2013, ASCAC was charged by Patricia Dehmer, the Acting Director of the Office of Science, to assemble a subcommittee to provide advice on exascale computing. This subcommittee was directed to return a list of no more than ten technical approaches (hardware and software) that will enable the development of a system that achieves the Department's goals for exascale computing. Numerous reports over the past few years have documented the technical challenges and the non¬-viability of simply scaling existing computer designs to reach exascale. The technical challenges revolve around energy consumption, memory performance, resilience, extreme concurrency, and big data. Drawing from these reports and more recent experience, this ASCAC subcommittee has identified the top ten computing technology advancements that are critical to making a capable, economically viable, exascale system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE