Integration of NuScale SMR With Desalination Technologies

Autor: C. Desportes, D. T. Ingersoll, Z. J. Houghton, R. Bromm
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: ASME 2014 Small Modular Reactors Symposium.
Popis: Nuclear energy plants are attractive energy source for large scale water desalination since the thermal energy produced in a nuclear reactor can provide both electricity and steam to desalt water without the production of greenhouse gases. A particularly attractive option is to couple a desalination plant with the new generation of nuclear plant designs: small modular reactors (SMR). This allows regions with smaller electrical grids and limited infrastructure to add new electrical and water capacity in more appropriate increments and allows countries to consider siting plants at a broader range of distributed locations. The NuScale SMR plant design is especially well suited for the co-generation of electricity and desalted water. The enhanced safety, improved affordability, and deployment flexibilities of the NuScale design provide a cost-effective approach to expanding global desalination capacity. Parametric studies have been performed to evaluate technical options for coupling a NuScale plant to a variety of different desalination technologies. An economic comparison of these options was performed for each of the different desalination technologies coupled to an appropriately sized NuScale plant capable of providing sufficient carbon-free electricity and clean water to support a city of 300,000 people.
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