Measurements of Fine Volcanic ASH Via Stereoscopy in the Scanning Electron Microscope

Autor: C. M. Riley, W. I. Rose, O. P. Mills
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Microscopy and Microanalysis. 4:502-503
ISSN: 1435-8115
Popis: Volcanic eruptions inject tons of silicic material into the atmosphere. Large, dense material falls out within a few hours whereas fine size fractions, < 10 μm radius ash, may remain airborne for weeks to months. Protection of human population centers and aircraft requires predictive atmospheric transport models. Many of these models assume the ash particles are spherical but abundant qualitative studies of ash particles demonstrate irregular shapes ranging from parachute-like bubble-wall shards to polygonal shaped mineral grains. These non-spherical shapes increase atmospheric drag. The accuracy of transport models may be improved with a better understanding of the actual shapes found in fine ash particles. Therefore, the objective of this study is to accurately determine three-dimensional shape measurements via stereoscopic methods using the scanning electron microscope.The scanning electron microscope is an ideal imaging platform for collection of stereo pairs because of its utility in stereoscopic height measurement.
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