Management of intra-partum foetal hypoxia due to prolonged second stage labour in a pug puppy

Autor: Metilda Joseph, Karthik V Kuttan
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research. 7
ISSN: 2377-4312
DOI: 10.15406/jdvar.2018.07.00223
Popis: A two year old female pug was presented to University Veterinary Hospital Kokkalai with difficulty in whelping The animal was subjected to detailed clinico gynaecological examination and ultrasonography The second puppy was delivered per vaginally with the administration of ecbolics Based on history clinical examination Apgar scoring and umbilical lactate values the condition of the neonate was diagnosed as intra partum foetal hypoxia due to prolonged expulsion time of the foetus After drying the puppy oxygen therapy was initiated with the help of a face mask at the rate of L min and the neonates was maintained in an incubator maintained at C The neonate had an uneventful recovery
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