The design requirements for Libyan imaging mini-satellite (LibyaSat-1)

Autor: Riyadh El-bouaishi, Ahmed Turkman, Khaled Beneljankou, Saleh Srabet, Ahmed Amer, Mosbah Bellid, Hasan Mohamed Marah, Faisel Tubbal, Akram Alkaseh, Abdelmonem Etabeb, Asem Elarabi, Wesam Shita
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT).
Popis: In this paper we present the conceptual design of Libyan remote sensing satellite (LibyaSat-1) and its sub-systems requirements. LibyaSat-1 is a 300 kg mini satellite, which will be used to support high resolution multi-spectral earth imaging camera to fulfill the civilian needs. This satellite will operate at LEO of 775 km and will provide a resolution of 2.5 m for the panchromatic band and 10 m for the VIS/NIR bands with 30 km swath. We have presented the mission overview, mission operation concept and mission requirements. Moreover, the System Tool Kit (STK) simulation is used to show the ground trucks of LibyaSat-1 for three days and to find the contact numbers between LibyaSat-1 and both Murezeq and Tripoli stations. We have also presented the design of telemetry and command subsystem, code and data handling subsystem, electrical power subsystem, altitude orbit control subsystem, and structure subsystem.
Databáze: OpenAIRE