Diversity and abundance of Butterflies in protected and unprotected habitation in Lagos, Nigeria

Autor: Kemabonta Kehinde, Omoloye Oluwatobi, Adesina Femi, Ugbodaga Emmanuel, Ekpah Ojonugwa, Anikwe Joseph, Alafia Azeezat
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Butterflies belong to one of the most important taxa of insects. Understanding their significance in an ecosystem as an environmental health indicator and pollination of flowering plants is crucial to achieving sustainability and conservation of floral diversity. Species diversity and abundance of butterflies were investigated at four (4) locations; Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC), LUFASI Nature Park (LNP), Shodex garden, Co-operative villa, Lagos using sweep nets and camera method of sampling. Biodiversity indices were used to compare the diversity and abundance of the butterflies. A total of 171 butterflies belonging to 4 families were identified from the 4 sampled sites. Butterflies belonging to the family Nymphalidae were the most abundant, accounting for 54.4% of the total butterflies collected in all locations. Papilio damodocus, Bicyclus dorothea, Hypolimnas misippus, Junonia sp and Precis pelargawere found in the four sites. LCC had the most diversified species (H’= 3.183) and Co-operative villa had the least (H’= 25). The study site that was most evenly distributed was Shodex garden (e^H/S = 0.9444) and the least evenly distributed was LCC (e^H/S = 0.832). Highest degree of species concentration was found in LCC (D = 0.9522) and Co-operative villa had the least (D = 0.905). Species diversity composition of LNP and LCC, LCC and Shodex garden, LCC and Cooperative villa are significantly different (p < 0.05). It is necessary to identify the rare butterfly species and conserve them by establishing butterfly garden and buffer zones.
Databáze: OpenAIRE