Cost division models in BIBSAM and FinELib consortia

Autor: Karin Bergström Grönvall, Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, Eeva Laurila, Kari Stange
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community. 16:285-292
ISSN: 1475-3308
Popis: Licensing electronic resources in a consortium setting involves significant amounts of money as well as interesting aspects of group dynamics. The perfect pricing model for consortia is one that is considered reasonable for all parties involved. The standard models offered by publishers today do not meet this criterion. In an effort to find better alternatives, the Swedish consortium BIBSAM (The Royal Library's Department for National Co-ordination and Development) and the Finnish consortium FinELib have developed models for division of costs between consortium members. Population parameters and usage statistics are used as ingredients. Both BIBSAM and FinELib strive for models that are based on facts, that are transparent, and that are perceived as 'fair' by the consortium members. Searching for relevant parameters on which to build the models is a key issue. This article describes the approach chosen by BIBSAM and FinELib, and the models implemented so far.
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