Effect of adding electrical muscle stimulation to trunk control changes in patients hemiparese post stroke

Autor: Tiar Erawan, Rifqi Naufal, Sudaryanto Sudaryanto, Suharto Suharto, Darwis Durahim, Agussalim Agussalim
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International journal of health sciences. :6078-6088
ISSN: 2550-696X
DOI: 10.53730/ijhs.v6ns3.7341
Popis: Hemiparesis post stroke often causes balance disorders due to changes in muscle tone, where these changes cause trunk control disorders that can affect static sitting balance, dynamic and trunk coordination. This study is a quasi-experiment with randomized pretest-posttest control group design, aiming to find out the effect of adding electrical muscle stimulation in weight shifting exercise exercises to changes in trunk control of hemiparese post stroke sufferers, carried out with Poly Physiotherapy RSKD. Dadi South Sulawesi Province with a sample of 24 people who fit the inclusion criteria, which were domesticated into 2 groups, namely the treatment group given electrical muscle stimulation and weight shifting exercise exercises and the control group given weight shifting exercises. Based on the wilcoxon test obtained the value of p = 0.002 for static and dynamic sitting balance, as well as the value p = 0.001 for coordination (treatment), and obtained a value of p = 0.002 for static sitting balance and coordination and a value of p = 0.001 for dynamic sitting balance (kontrol) , which means there is a significant influence on both sample groups on trunk control changes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE