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The purposes of this research are developing and knowing the assessments ofmobile learning media in thematic learning. The research method used is a type ofdevelopment research with the ADDIE development model. The sources ofresearch data are material experts, media experts, from teachers and students ofgrade V SDN 02 Ngabang. The research datas are from the results of thequestionnaire validation sheet of material experts, media experts, teacher responsesheets and grade V students of SDN 02 Ngabang. The results showed that mobilelearning media in thematic learning using the ADDIE development model based onthe assessment of material experts is 84,09% which is in the 71%-85% range with a very feasible category, while the percentage of media experts is 72,73%. which in the 71%-85% range with a decent category, based on the assessment of the teachers' responses, the average of the first rater is 3.55 very effective category, the second rater is 3.6 very effective category, and the third rater is 2.85 effective category, the average students' responses is 3,025 with an effective category, then the mobile learning media is feasible and effective to be used as a medium for thematic learning.Keywords : ADDIE, Media, Mobile Learning. |