Fitobezoar associado à endometriose intestinal: uma rara causa de obstrução intestinal

Autor: Carlos Roberto Amorim, Virgínio Cândido Tosta de Souza, Dilmar de Castro Filho, Diogo Melgaço Faria, Rogério Mendes Grande
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia. 29:501-504
ISSN: 0101-9880
Popis: Intestinal endometriosis is a benign pathology, it occurs most often on the rectosigmoid portion, and the finding isn`t very common on the terminal ileum. On this article the autors present a report from a 29 years old pacient, who had a difuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Computadorized tomography (CT) showed a heterogeneous mass on the ileocaecal area . An exploratory laparotomy was performed , badly metabolized vegetable fibers were removed from the terminal ileum, and a surgical removal of the ileocaecal - colic portion was done, since there was a stenosis on that area. The anatomical-pathologic study showed intestinal endometriosis and phytobezoar The patient had a good follow up and got out the hospital on the third day after surgery.
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