Drying of Sisal Fiber: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation

Autor: A.D. Oliveira Ramos, J.J. Silva Nascimento, A.G. Barbosa de Lima, H.G.G. Morais Lima, J. F. Brito Diniz
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Defect and Diffusion Forum. 391:36-41
ISSN: 1662-9507
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/ddf.391.36
Popis: This work presents a theoretical and experimental study of drying of sisal fibers. The fibers were submitted to drying in oven with forced air circulation at temperatures ranging from 50°C up to 90°C. Drying and heating lumped models were proposed and fitted to the experimental data. Non-linear regression analyzes were performed to verify the consistency of the models to predict the experimental data. It was verified that the curves of moisture loss and temperature of the sisal fibers were influenced by the drying-air temperature, showing a gradual variation with the drying time, being more accentuated in the higher temperatures of the drying-air. The fitted models presented good agreement with the experimental data.
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