Do magnetic resonance training in spondyloarthritis improve the performance of rheumatologists for the recognition of sequences and lesions?

Autor: Rodrigo Garcia Salinas, Josefina Marin, Gabriel Aguilar, Dario Aguerre, Santiago Ruta, Xenofon Baraliakos
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Revista Argentina de Reumatología. :8-11
ISSN: 2362-3675
Popis: Introduction: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a fundamental diagnostic tool in axial spondyloarthritis, it has allowed us, unlike radiography, to diagnose this pathology much earlier. Objective: To estimate the percentage of correct answers in the recognition of SpA MRI lesions and theoretical knowledge, before and after performing an educational intervention. Estimate if the good performance in the tests is associated with individual characteristics of the doctors. Methods: A test was carried out with 10 questions (7 for image recognition and 3 for theoretical knowledge) before and after the development of an MRI image workshop in EspA in diferents cities in Argentina. The correct response number was considered before and after the workshop, and those who achieved more than 12 points between the two evaluations were considered good performance. The following physician characteristics were collected. Results: A total of 106 physicians were evaluated. The results of the tests (total 10 questions) before and after the workshop were 53% and 68% correct, respectively (p:0.000). 65% of the physicians achieved a good performance (more than 12 correct).
Databáze: OpenAIRE