Titillation, Murder, and Romance: Hollywood’s Objectification of Women College Students

Autor: Saran Donahoo, Tamara Yakaboski
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Anti-Intellectual Representations of American Colleges and Universities ISBN: 9781137570031
Popis: As women began outnumbering men in college enrollments in the 1970s, a backlash against independent, assertive women appeared in Hollywood’s female-centered college movies. During the 1970s–1980s, Hollywood’s films showed co-eds’ purpose as titillation through nudity, sex, or victimized horror scenes. In more recent decades, college women are seen in faux-feminist roles, prioritizing romance and heterosexual relationships over academics. This chapter examines 23 women-centered college movies from 1970 to 2012 that have both distorted and mirrored women’s experiences and roles in higher education while dismissing their intellectual capabilities.
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