Oychem Y2K contingency planning

Autor: Ephraim A. Scheier
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Process Safety Progress. 18:146-150
ISSN: 1547-5913
Popis: The Year 2OOO problem has been widely publicized. Significant efforts are underway to identify and remedy problems with equipment that may malfunction. Recognizing that despite these efforts there may still be Y2K failures, attention need to be focused on potential process equipment malfunctiom and contingency planning for Ear 2000 related incident. Y2K incidents may arise from problems within the plant or from external sources. Ongoing efforts to prioritize and remedy Y2K systems and equipment have reduced the probability and impact of problems. Contingency planning addresses the residual Y2K risk. This paper describes an OxyChem approach to managing the potential Y2K problems and steps being taken to develop contingency plans. The paper includes examples of Y2K related failures and emphasizes contingency planning, procedures and preparedness.
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