Pengembangan Pemukiman Situs Lakudo Kabupaten Buton (Berdasarkan Analisis Polasebaran Temuan Arkeologis)

Autor: Rustam Awat
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.31219/
Popis: This article aim to description of finding be archaeological the in Lakudo site, and know its (the development experiencing some dwelling phases, starts from beginning of settlement beginning, development so is leaved and factors surrounding it election of situs as place of residence.Article object in the form of artifact found on Lakudo site which spread over either in fortress (mausoleum, foundation of mosque, cannon, umpak stone) and also outside fortress (ceramics, pottery, kitchen garbage, koncu molepe, mausoleum, road (street structure) with development review of settlement of Lakudo site century XI-middle century XX.Seen from variance of finding which spread over at surface of soil, land, ground hence Lakudo site is settlement site started with residence outside fortress, the next development of activity of residence is done in fortress happened to the last a period of dwelling. Form of its (the settlement using permanent pattern and disseminates from south to north.
Databáze: OpenAIRE