Chapter 5. Pesticides in Modern Agriculture

Autor: Dan Osborn
Rok vydání: 2012
Popis: Pesticides have been used since agriculture began and the use or range of metallic and naturally occurring compounds grew slowly and then, in the latter half of the 20th century, rapidly with the advent of synthetic pesticides such as DDT and the cyclodienes. More modern pesticides have been less harmful to the environment as a result of risk-based regulatory regimes and a desire on the part of producers to avoid environmental harm as part of the development of more sustainable framing practices in which pest and diseases are controlled by a range or combination of means. Future challenges from population growth and environmental changes, such as climate change, will mean pesticides will be a necessary part of food production in a future where predicting what pests and diseases of crops need to be dealt with is proving hard to do. Pesticides need to be considered as part of an integrated approach to local solutions that are safe, sustainable, resilient to change and both socially acceptable and economically successful.
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