Implementation of Motion Capture System for Swimmer Athlete Monitoring

Autor: Achmad Basuki, Sandi Bayu Aji, Muhammad Agus Zainuddin, Muhammad Aksa Hidayat Yani, Ika Fadhilah Ariyanti, Sritrusta Sukaridhoto
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 International Electronics Symposium (IES).
Popis: Swimming is one of the aquatic sports. Swimming is an effort to move (float or lift) all parts of the body to the surface of the water. Swimming is generally done without assistance equipment. Swimming is a sport that uses limbs, especially in the hands and feet to move in the water. In Indonesia, measuring the athlete's swimming movements is still manual, looking directly at the place of activity. This is a problem where the observations of each trainer are different so to evaluate the actions must be repeated activities, with this problem the researcher has made a tool to capture Athlete movements using the gyro sensor with communication via Bluetooth and displayed on an Android smart device. The application is can captured athlete movement, Professional athletes have regular movement data rhythms, non-professional athletes have 15% irregular data, and The sensor can capture and send athlete data into the device and forward it to the database
Databáze: OpenAIRE