SISNeT as a source of EGNOS information: Overview of functionalities and applications

Autor: K. Urbanska, A. Raj Mathur, D. Zinkiewicz, Miroslav Houdek, F. Toran-Marti, B. Buszke
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: 2010 5th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies and European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing (NAVITEC).
DOI: 10.1109/navitec.2010.5708036
Popis: The poster presents functionalities, applications and methods of SISNeT utilization. The information about SISNeT software and applications provided in this poster is generic and does not cover SISNeT technology in detail but highlights the potential impact of the SISNeT software and applications on the dissemination of EGNOS augmentation technology. SISNeT online services are sources of EGNOS messages distributed by the SISNeT Data Server. SISNeT User Application Software allows decoding and visual presentation of content of EGNOS messages flowing from SISNeT Data Server in real time. Prototype GETPOS function implemented on SISNeT Data Server side determines user position with SISNeT corrections. A next-step idea for positioning with SISNeT capability is SISNeT Plug-in Application that allows correcting user position provided by any type of receiver. Non real time SISNeT information distributed by SISNeT Data Server is available as EGNOS Message Server files. EMS constitutes an enhancement of possibilities offered by SISNeT technology: while SISNeT allows accessing the EGNOS messages in real-time, EMS permits an offline access to a huge archive of messages. SISNeT educational software tools are taking advantage of EMS. SBAS TeACHER educational tool for students allows decoding and encoding different EGNOS messages in post processing mode. The evolution of the SBAS TeACHER software led to SBAS MeNTOR (SBAS MEssage GENeraTOR) belonging to SISNeT educational tools family. Yet another SISNeT tool based on the ESA EGNOS Message Server (EMS) is SISNeTlab. Although not addressed in detail, the poster presents possibilities of using SISNeT information and ideas for monitoring EGNOS performance in real time with utilization of SISNeT tools. SISNeT was also used to define and develop applications for forestry inventory purposes and its concept was utilized in the frame of technology demonstrator projects that aimed at providing integrity for liability applications, developing automatic road-tolling services, vessel monitoring and developing mobile terminals for receiving SISNeT information.
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