Grappling with Genesis 1-11: Theory and Strategy

Autor: Johnson T. K. Lim
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.14264/uql.2019.768
Popis: The aim of this thesis is to develop a theological reading strategy in conversation with contemporary hermeneutical theories. Using that as a model, Gen 1-11 is read as a unified text refracted through the prism of textuality from a canonical perspective in its present form. Such a reading provides an alternative to the historical critical and (post) modem reading. This model that I am proposing argues that a theological reading of the biblical text is consistent and consonant with biblical data. Its infrastructure is built upon the theory of textuality whereby priority is given to the text, meaning is located in the text and hermeneutical protocols are observed. My theological reading of Gen 1-11 is informed by experiences in my reading community. However, the theological reading strategy that is presented here is not idiosyncratic but one that engages the text and contemporary biblical scholarship.
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