Dose field in hiroshima and the risk of radiation-induced cancer

Autor: V. I. Tsvetkov, I. B. Keirim-Markus
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Atomic Energy. 87:753-757
ISSN: 1573-8205
DOI: 10.1007/bf02673265
Popis: The dose distribution of γ-neutron radiation over the earth's surface as a result of the atomic explosion in Hiroshima is of decisive value for establishing the risk coefficients for death from radiation-induced cancer. At the same time, this radiation field is unique, since the ratio of its components varies both with distance from the hypocenter and with dose. For the DS 86 dosimetric system, the relation between mortality from solid cancer and dose has a linear, zero-threshold character. For this reason, the linear zero-threshold dependence is used as a basis for the entire system of radiation protection. However, the DS 86 results depend strongly on the choice of the coefficients of relative biological effectiveness of neutrons, which have not been established adequately. New data, which could change the dosimetric system and lead to a reexamination of the risk coefficients at low dose, are analyzed. 3 figures, 1 table, 7 references.
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