SRS conversion of XeCl laser radiation into shifted Stokes components

Autor: S V Mel'chenko, V B Kaul, S E Kunts
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Quantum Electronics. 28:62-65
ISSN: 1468-4799
DOI: 10.1070/qe1998v028n01abeh001122
Popis: An experimental study and a theoretical simulation were made of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) conversion into shifted components. It was found that there were optimal values of the pressure and focal distance for conversion into the first 'blue' satellite of the first Stokes component. A study was made of the spatial and temporal dynamics of SRS conversion, which took into account generation of the shifted components. It was demonstrated theoretically and experimentally that the satellite intensity could be enhanced significantly by additional electron-collision excitation of the vibrational levels in the conversion medium or by the application of pairs of pump pulses. The maximum efficiency of conversion to the first 'blue' satellite of the first Stokes component was 10% and the satellite intensity reached one-third of the intensity of the main Stokes line.
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