On the sources of interplanetary shocks at 0.72 AU

Autor: Christopher T. Russell, P. R. Gazis, Janet G. Luhmann, G. M. Lindsay
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Journal of Geophysical Research. 99:11
ISSN: 0148-0227
DOI: 10.1029/93ja02666
Popis: In order to understand the solar cycle variation of interplanetary shocks and their driving source at 0.72 AU, a survey of Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) magnetometer and plasma data from 1979-1988 has been conducted. Known shock drivers at 1.0 AU include coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and fast/slow stream interactions. In our analysis, CMEs were identified by a decrease in plasma temperature to background or below accompanied by an increase in plasma density and dynamic pressure. It was also required that the magnetic field exhibit a coherent rotation over about a day and an increase and decline in magnitude on a timescale of hours to days. Stream interactions were identified by a characteristic increase in ion temperature and velocity coincident with a decrease in density and a coincident increase in the total magnetic field magnitude. These signatures were usually preceded within 24 hours by a change in flow angle. In all, 45 shocks were identified: 36 driven by CMEs, 6 resulting from fast/slow stream interactions, and 3 with sources that could not be defined. The shocks driven by CMEs show a solar cycle variation that roughly follows the sunspot number. These shocks all have normals consistent with radial propagation of the shock fronts from the sun. In contrast, the few stream interaction related shocks show a tendency to occur later in the solar cycle and have a broader distribution of shock normals.
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